dimecres, 21 de març del 2012

My anecdote by Miguel Palomares i Arnau Pastor

Today at the evening we have gone to a funny land in the center of Wien.
Here we have done a lot of interesting things like going to the attractions of the park and we have ate traditional meals from Wien like sausages (and they tasted very good).
The most interesting thing of Prater is the wheel, because is the oldest wheel working in the world and appeared in films like James Bond and the Third man. We are exhausted because today we have done a lot of activities and now we are going to sleep. And tomorrow we will see interesting things like Cats The Musical. We hope over trip with this blog.
Best wishes for everyone.
Miguel Palomares.

Today, we have visited Wien,it's an awesome city.We stopped to have lunch in a McDonalds, when was my turn I spoke him Spanish but immediatly I had known that he didn't understand me. I chose a Mc Menu but the men gave me a salad, I told him that I wanted a hamburger but he didn't speak English, however after one minute trying to convince him, the men gave me the hamburger. This travel through Europe is giving me the opportunity to improve my English. Therefore I recommend to visit these interesting places that we have visit and what we will visit in the next days.
Best wishes for everyone.
Arnau Pastor

1 comentari:

  1. Hi guys!! The countdown has started! I look forward to seeing you all and to hearing all these great experiences from you all!!

    Enjoy it and see you on Monday!


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