dimarts, 20 de març del 2012

My anecdote (Marta Alvarez)

When we go to Prater for dinner we order sausages because it is tipycal in Wien. We thought that the sausages include the bread but here the people eat withiut bread. We have to order thet we want to eat sausages with bread but the waiter didn’t understand us and made sausages without bread.

2 comentaris:

  1. Hola a todos, me encanta el trabajo que estais haciendo, haveis conseguido que podamos desde la distancia viajar con vosotros.Teneis la cara de cansados pero se nota lo felices que estais.Por cierto Marta comiste o no bread?

    P.D.Nunca pensé que una semana fuera tan larga.Besos FAMILIA ALVAREZ RUIZ

  2. Next time try with: Could we have some bread too, please??

    Good luck!


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