dimecres, 21 de març del 2012

My anecdote by Miguel Palomares i Arnau Pastor

Today at the evening we have gone to a funny land in the center of Wien.
Here we have done a lot of interesting things like going to the attractions of the park and we have ate traditional meals from Wien like sausages (and they tasted very good).
The most interesting thing of Prater is the wheel, because is the oldest wheel working in the world and appeared in films like James Bond and the Third man. We are exhausted because today we have done a lot of activities and now we are going to sleep. And tomorrow we will see interesting things like Cats The Musical. We hope over trip with this blog.
Best wishes for everyone.
Miguel Palomares.

Today, we have visited Wien,it's an awesome city.We stopped to have lunch in a McDonalds, when was my turn I spoke him Spanish but immediatly I had known that he didn't understand me. I chose a Mc Menu but the men gave me a salad, I told him that I wanted a hamburger but he didn't speak English, however after one minute trying to convince him, the men gave me the hamburger. This travel through Europe is giving me the opportunity to improve my English. Therefore I recommend to visit these interesting places that we have visit and what we will visit in the next days.
Best wishes for everyone.
Arnau Pastor

Crònica dimecres 21

Avui dia 21 de març, el nostre cinquè dia de viatge, ha estat un dia molt esgotador (com tots els altres).
Tot ha començat al llevar-nos, sense l'ajuda dels nostres despertadors, on seguidament després d'un bon àpat, ens hem dirigit a l'autocar amb els nostres estimats conductors.
El viatge ha durat aproximadament 1h fins arribar al nostre primer destí ,la abadía de Melk, on hem pogut gaudir del meravellós monestir on conviuen monjos i més de 900 alumnes. Una vegada, endinsats en el monestir , hem pogut gaudir de totes les seves instal.lacions com per exemple, és el cas de la seva gran biblioteca la qual comprèn més de 100.000 llibres i 6 portes secretes. Seguidament ,després de fer una parada per menjar, hem tornat per segona vegada a l'autocar per continuar amb el nostre segon destí, Salzburg.
Una vegada, hem arribat, ens hem dirigit a l'hotel, per tal de deixar les nostres maletes, i més tard, ens esperava la nostra segona guia per ensenyar-nos la història que comprenen cadascún d'aquests carrers.
Per altra banda, cal destacar que enyorem moltíssim a totes les nostres familíes , que encara que ens ho estem passant d'allò més bé i no apreciem molt ,el fet de tornar, volem que sàpiguen que els estimem molt i que estan present en els nostres cors dia a dia.

Pd: Per molts anys,a la mare de la Regina!!!!
Pd: cada dia llegim els vostres comentaris!!!

Alba i Regina :)

The security guard

The second day in Krakow, we had free time to go out to buy souvenirs for our family and for us.
I was buying in the supermarket with my group when we saw a beautiful collar, but the assistant wasn't in there. Two security guards where near the shop. One of them started to talk with us, and asked about our nacionality. Se said that we are from Spain, Barcelona. Them we starter to talk about the F.C. Barcelona, or course in english, because he didn't speak spanish and we didn't speak poland.
In fuese situations is very important to speak english.

Sara Garcia

The show assistant

The third day of our amazing trip we where in Krakow. It was about eight o'clock PM and we had a little free time so Sara and me decided to go to a big supermarket near the major place. When we go there we didn't want to buy anything and when we where just about to leave we didn't know from where we could go out and Sara propposed to pass through the cash register and there we saw a very stressed woman. At first we asked politely to go out but she didn't say anything, so we asked again and again. At the end, as she didn't say anything, I gessed she didn't speak English so we slipped out.
Sometimes it's also good to know how to express ourselves through gestures!

Meri Herrero

My anecdote

Today, Wednesday 21st of March, we have gone to  The Abbey of Melk. Here we have visited a lot of rooms of this amazing Abbey built by The Royal family of Wien. 
An interesting room of the Abbey is the library, which has 100.000 copies of books. These books have useful information for people who wanted for example for do a investigation work of every type of science from the latest centuries.
The anecdote of the day is about the way of burying the dead people of the 18 century in the Abbey .  They used a coffin with a trapdoor  to bury the dead, because they only have one coffin in the village.
Tomorrow we are going to visit the city of Innsbrck , here everything it's okay, we hope that you are okay too.

Anècdota anglès Ferran Lucas dia 21

Today we took the bus in order to go to Salzburg. At five to twelve the police stopped us and we used an hour to have lunch. I went to a restaurant with some friends and I ordered spaghetti. Then I asked for some chicken and french fries. The waiter get shocked and he told me if I was sure about it. Then I told him that in Spain is common to eat a first and then a second but in Austria they only eat one thing. So I eat some food that my friends didn't wanted. 
Ferran Lucas