dimecres, 21 de març del 2012

The security guard

The second day in Krakow, we had free time to go out to buy souvenirs for our family and for us.
I was buying in the supermarket with my group when we saw a beautiful collar, but the assistant wasn't in there. Two security guards where near the shop. One of them started to talk with us, and asked about our nacionality. Se said that we are from Spain, Barcelona. Them we starter to talk about the F.C. Barcelona, or course in english, because he didn't speak spanish and we didn't speak poland.
In fuese situations is very important to speak english.

Sara Garcia

3 comentaris:

  1. Mireia! Ja veig que t'ho estàs passant molt bé, me n'alegro :) Quan tornis ens hem de veure, eh?? Que et trobo molt a faltar T.T i l'estel també! Les classes no són el mateix sense tu! Així que ja saps quan tornis. Que t'ho acabis de passar bé :) Petonets! T'estimo <3


  2. Que tal chicos? Ahora ya a tope porque esta aventura está llegando a su fin...
    Sergi has de saber que hemos descubierto quien es el follonero de la casa...6 días en silencio total...NO SE OYE NI UNA MOSCA...Ya no te vale eso de,-Ha sido el Ruben (no cuela)jejeje...pero has de saber que nos encanta el ruido!!!!!
    Así es que esperamos impacientes tu regreso
    Hasta pronto
    Familia Padilla Mateu

  3. And yesterday Madrid 1- Villarreal 1... we're getting closer...


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