dimecres, 21 de març del 2012

My anecdote

Today, Wednesday 21st of March, we have gone to  The Abbey of Melk. Here we have visited a lot of rooms of this amazing Abbey built by The Royal family of Wien. 
An interesting room of the Abbey is the library, which has 100.000 copies of books. These books have useful information for people who wanted for example for do a investigation work of every type of science from the latest centuries.
The anecdote of the day is about the way of burying the dead people of the 18 century in the Abbey .  They used a coffin with a trapdoor  to bury the dead, because they only have one coffin in the village.
Tomorrow we are going to visit the city of Innsbrck , here everything it's okay, we hope that you are okay too.

2 comentaris:

  1. Bon dia blogspotaires, veig que us ho esteu pasan molt be, aprofiteu perque ja queda poc i es una oportunitat que no tornareu a passar, records i petons a la fornera del barri(barbara), a la mare teresa que su curra mol i es troba a faltar,a la lola, al kike, que per cert prente una valeriana abans de puja a l'avio, i evidentment a tú josep. que tingueu bon dia!petonets.. el Paz

  2. Here everything is fine. Thank you, Jordi. Yesterday we went to BCIN and the students who were presenting their TRs were great! When we went out, it had started raining. It rained all night and it's still raining!!! So get your umbrellas for the way back home!

    Best wishes to everybody


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